Interview questions about preparation can certainly catch you off-guard. On this page you’ll learn how to answer the question: “What did you do to prepare for this interview?”
Other similar interview questions are: “What steps did you take to prepare for this interview” OR “How did you get ready for this interview?” Down below you can find my example answers!
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The reason why interviewers ask this question is to find out how well-prepared you are, but also to see if you can respond in a spontaneous and improvised way. Give them the reassurance that you are genuinely interested in the job opportunity and not just looking for a paycheck. Take a look at the example answer:
Example Answer
For job seekers that want to FOCUS ON THE POSITION
“So the first thing that I did was thoroughly reading the job description and then highlighting the key skills and competencies required for the job. I then went through my own resume to identify key areas in my career where I match the required qualifications.
As you can see, I’ve also printed my resume and the job description, underlined some competencies and made some additional notes. I’d be more than happy to share my potential contribution to this position and your team as a whole.”
Example Answer
For job seekers that want to FOCUS ON THE COMPANY
“I spent a couple hours doing research to find more information about [Company XYZ]’s key products, competitive advantage, pricing strategy, projects, brand image and reputation in the industry. I mainly browsed through your website, social media channels and annual report to gather information. I’d be more than happy to share my findings.”
Example Answer
For job seekers that want to FOCUS ON THE NETWORK
“I’ve also reached out to [Name Surname] on LinkedIn, who is working in your department, and someone else who is active in the same industry. I got from them a very realistic insight into what the job entails and what’s involved when working in the [Industry].”
√ Do show that you’ve made an effort. Explain that you’ve thoroughly read the vacancy description and researched the company (include sources). Inform them in greater detail about your findings. You can also tell them about the new shirt you’ve bought for the interview or that you left early to make sure you’d arrive on time.
X Don’t give an unconventional answer like: “I didn’t prepare because I’ve confidence in my communication skills”, “I’ve done quite some interviews, so I don’t really need to prepare.” OR “I’d rather not prepare to avoid sounding scripted or rehearsed.” The whole reason why interviewers ask this question is to find out how organized you are and your approach to a project or event.