Do you have an upcoming job interview? Check out my example answers to the interview question: “What is your weakness?” Other questions with similar answers include “What is your worst trait?” OR “What is that one thing you would change about yourself?”
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Example Answer
For job seekers WITH EXPERIENCE
“Well, I’ve always been an ambitious person that regularly comes up with new ideas for improving [Subject]. I have a tendency to share them right away because these ideas make me feel energized. However, what I’ve learned over the years is to be cognizant of the fact that some ideas work out and some simply don’t. So, instead of being impulsive, I try to focus more on filtering and prioritizing because that will lead to greater efficiency for everyone involved.”
Example Answer
For job seekers WITH NO EXPERIENCE
“At the end of a group project I’m usually the person doing the end tasks. These include collecting, polishing and scrutinizing the work for errors. However, my greatest weakness is saying ‘no’ to requests which often results in me doing most of the work. To help myself improve in this area, I use [Software] to manage each task, visualize my workload and check whether I have the bandwidth to take on more.”
√ Do mention a weakness that can be fixed, corrected or improved on
X Don’t use strengths in disguise like: “I’m kind of a workaholic” or “I’m a perfectionist”
X Don’t say you don’t have a weakness or that you’ve never thought about it