Do you have an upcoming job interview? Check out my example answer to the interview question: “Why are you leaving your current job?”
Questions with similar answers are “Why did you leave your last job?”, “Have you ever quit a job?” AND “What made you leave your last employer?”
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Example Answer
Because of FURTHER GROWTH reasons
“Well, I’ve been with [Company XYZ] for a number of years now and wanted to experience a new working environment to continue growing. So, lately I’ve been engaged in researching companies and positions where I can leverage my existing learnings and utilize my skills for greater contribution.”
Example Answer
Because of a LAYOFF
“Unfortunately, [Company XYZ] lost a major client in [Year] so cost-cutting measures are implemented and that results in some positions getting eliminated. Despite this unfortunate situation, my former employer will happily provide a positive reference.”
Example Answer
Because you got FIRED
“After some management changes, it became clear that new expectations for my job role didn’t line up with my qualifications. So the new manager eventually brought in someone from [Department] who had more technical know-how. This experience reinforced my interest and talent for the original role which focuses more on [Subject]. So, lately I’ve been engaged in researching companies and positions where I can use my strengths for greater contribution.”
√ Do focus on personal development, career growth or new challenges reasons
X Don’t put down or say anything negative about your ex-boss, colleagues or clients